Primary or Elementary Academy Volunteer
Mission: LSC works to provide all students with equal access to a world-class K-12 education in an academically rigorous and student-centered learning environment, creating graduates who will be thoughtful and engaged citizens prepared to take on the leadership challenges of the 21st century.
Vision: In partnership with our families and the community, our vision is to provide real-world interdisciplinary, personalized, and project-based learning experiences through a STEAM-based academic program where graduates become the next generation of leaders, employers, and employees who contribute to the economic well-being of their communities and families.
We are currently seeking Volunteers who are not employed by Liberty STEAM Charter, and who serve on an occasional or regular basis in the school setting to assist the professional staff. A volunteer gives their time for the purpose of helping children through planned auxiliary services, and serves without receiving compensation or economic benefits.
Volunteer Description and Requirements:
- Must be at least 18 years of age;
- Must agree, in writing to abide by all policies, regulations, and procedures of Liberty STEAM Charter School (LSC)
- Are subject to the same screening procedures used for the regular school employees, including but not limited to the following:
- LSC will require appropriate state criminal background checks as outlined by law on any individual recommended to be a volunteer
- Volunteers will be categorized by two levels:
- Level 1 volunteers are persons who will be under the supervision of an LSC employee and will be screened through the National Sex Offenders Registry.
- Level 2 volunteers are persons who will possibly be unsupervised while with LSC students and will undergo a more comprehensive SLED criminal background check. LSC will pay the fee for the background checks for volunteers who wish to be approved for Level 2.
- LSC will not permit individuals whose names appear in the National Sex Offender Registry or individuals who have been required to register as a sex offender pursuant to the state law to work or serve at LSC in any capacity.
- Will serve under the immediate supervision of a licensed professional school employee to the extent possible;
- Are not considered LSC employees, and have no right to any benefit of employment provided to LSC employees, including, but not limited to, wages other pay, insurance, or employment rights;
- Serve in an at-will capacity, and may be relieved of their volunteer duties whenever, in the judgment of the school leadership, it is in the best interests of the school to do so;
- Will not provide transportation for school-sponsored activities, and will not transport any individual student in their capacity as an LSC volunteer;
- Will maintain the same confidentiality standards expected of certified personnel, and will not access confidential student records or files;
- Serve as role models who influence the development of young people and are subject to the same standards of conduct and ethics as expected from all other staff, both at school and away from campus.